Kwan Inn Vegetarian is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MICRO 2000 group HOLDINGS. The brand and its corresponding trademarks are the properties of the group. MICRO 2000 group HOLDINGS will be moving towards a franchising model where we be issuing licenses to operate vegetarian food stalls using our kwan inn vegetarian brand.
If you are one of those guilty of typifying Vegetarian Food as bland, boring and uninspiring, a trip down to Kwan Inn Vegetarian maybe just what you need. Our appetite whetting vegetarian recipes will surely make you rethink about such stereotypical thoughts while anchoring a gastronomical gateway to your stomach that will path the way for repeated visits week after week!
Deep rooted in eco sustainable traditions, only the freshest and most natural ingredients are used in our food preparation. Maximum retention of the wholesome goodness and nutritional value of our delectable offerings are made possible under the able hands of our experienced chefs.
Kwan Inn Vegetarian still holds true to our primitive founding principles, that vegetarian food could be as nutritional and mouth watering as normal Staple Food, with an added element of Surprise that accompanies when patrons are unable to differentiate that the Food served are actually Vegetarian Fare! Kwan Inn Vegetarian allows discerning Foodies to explore the depth and variety of flavours that vegetarian food can actually offer while fitting nicely under the banner of healthy eating- Healthy Food can also taste Good!
观音斋不光对于食材的挑选格外严格 (只选用最新鲜和最天然的食材),连烹饪手法也崇尚健康的方式,如高温蒸压,以便锁住食材原持有的天然营养成分(每周吃素几天,有净化肠胃的好处哦)。在我们经验丰富的厨师的巧手下,一道道令人垂涎欲滴的素美食出炉了!
our origins
1st July 2016, is an important milestone in the operating history of both Kwan Inn Vegetarian and Micro 2000 Group Holdings. On this very day, two respective powerhouse in their own rights (Micro 2000 Group Holdings - F&B Operator, Kwan Inn Vegetarian - Vegetarian cuisine) decided to share their knowledge, competency and expertise to bring about a reinvigorating change to the Local Vegetarian Food Scene. With Micro 2000 Group Holdings as its Managing partner, the Kwan Inn Vegetarian brand is expected to grow increasingly prolific with enhanced efficiency on the operations' end, leveraging on the experience and strong back end support of the Micro 2000 Group Holdings Team.
Founded in the 1990s, Kwan Inn Vegetarian has over the years established itself as a forerunner in the field, associated with the deliverance of quality, innovative and soulful Vegetarian Food. Soulful in the sense that every dish that is served, seek to just fulfill the earnest goal of bringing a smile to our customers’ face.
From our humble beginnings with just our flagship 269 Bugis Food stall, today, Kwan Inn Vegetarian Food stalls are strategically located around Singapore.
2016年7月1日对观音斋和Micro 2000集团来说是一个重要的里程碑。在这一天,两股不同领域的饮食新势力(Micro 2000集团- 餐饮业者,观音斋- 素食)决定合并,将双方累积多年的营业经验,专业知识与其分享,希望为本地素食界掀起一股焕然一新的气象。在Micro 2000集团有丰富经验的幕后团队的管理下,以观音斋强大的品牌效应做为根基,将着重于提高其的营运效率。
观音斋于90年代创立, 多年来一直致力于成为该领域的先驱,提供优质,创新的素食料理。每一道菜肴都是尽心尽力的佳作,由始至终以换取顾客满意的笑容为至上的目标。